David Louis Klein
2 min readJul 6, 2021


I can predict the future.

I predict that when you first read this you will immediately think that it could never happen.

Now I ask you to read it a second time and imagine that it already happened.

And when you are finished reading it a second time you will no longer think that it could never happen. Because you already imagined that it did happen.

And then it will happen.

My Plan For Israel and Palestine

Create one country, one nation named The United States of Israel and Palestine. Call it the USIP. The states are Gaza, Judea and West Bank. Hamas and Jewish groups that want to kill Palestinians are banned. All Arab countries0 recognize the new country and Israeli Jews are invited to return to live in these countries in peace and prosperity as their grand-parents did and the descendants of those Arabs who left their homes as refugees in 1948 are invited to come back and live in these areas. The state of Judea will have Israel’s borders before the 1967 war and will remain symbolically a Jewish state with the right of return for Jews living in the diaspora. Jerusalem will be the Capitol of the nation. The walls are torn down. The ‘settlements’ will become simply towns in the state of West Bank. Tel Aviv will be the Capitol of the state of Judea. Ramallah the Capitol of the state of West Bank, Gaza City the capital of the state of Gaza. The entire country becomes a democratic republic like the USA with states, counties and cities. There will be a constitution for the entire country with a Bill of Rights and a constitution for each state. The Rule of law prevails. There will be equal rights and equal opportunity for all. Idiotic bigotry and hatred diminishes as the rights of all are up held. People worship as they please in peace in their respected houses of worship. Anyone can travel freely anywhere in the Country and live anywhere they can afford to live. Everyone respects their neighbors and all work together to bring prosperity to all.

I'm just a dreamer. Maybe you are too?

